Ukrayna'dan Haberler
Haber Politika Ukrayna - Türkiye

İlişkilerde tarihi gün, Türkiye bundan 25 yıl önce bugün Ukrayna’nın bağımsızlığını tanıdı

ukrayna-turkiye-1Bugün 16 Aralık..

Ukrayna – Türkiye ilişkilerinde önemli tarihin bugün 25’inci yıldönümü.

Bundan tam 25 yıl önce bugün 16 Aralık 1991’de Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti, bağımsız Ukrayna’yı tanıdı.

Bu önemli günün 25’inci yıldönümünde Ukrayna’nın Ankara Büyükelçiliği internet sitesinde bir basın bildirisi yayınlandı.

Bildiride iki ülke arasındaki ilişkilerin geldiği noktaya vurgu yapılırken, Ukrayna ve Türkiye’nin ulusal çıkarlarındaki benzerliğin iki halkın benzerliğine dayandığına dikkat çekildi.

Öte yandan Ukrayna’nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Andrii Sybiha da twitter hesabından bir mesaj yayınladı.


İşte Ukrayna’nın Ankara Büyükelçiliği’nin basın bildirisi.

‘Press Release Regarding the 25th Anniversary of Recognition by the Turkish Republic of Ukraine’s Independence

On the 16th of December 1991, the TurkishRepublic became one of the first countries of the world that officially recognized Ukraine as an independent state.

Within the 25 years that have passed since that time, Ukraine and the TurkishRepublic have succeeded in developing its bilateral relations to the level of a very constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation that is now officially called a strategic partnership. Similarity of the Ukrainian and Turkish national interests is based on both the resemblance of the two nations’ world views and practical aspects of our relationship. We are developing very active political dialogue, economic and cultural cooperation as well as interpersonal contacts among Ukrainian and Turkish citizens.

Our bilateral political dialogue is developed in the framework of the strategic partnership. It means that the dialogue is based on principles of mutual trust, equality and noninterference in the internal affairs of each other. Ukraine and the TurkishRepublic are trying to do their best to help the Crimean Tatars – Ukrainian citizens and Turkish ethnic brothers who are now suffering most from Russia’s occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea.

In the economic sphere, the two countries are interested in a comprehensive development of bilateral trade and in concluding a free trade agreement. The TurkishRepublic has a very well developed transport and industrial infrastructure as well as investment potential and experience in carrying out infrastructural projects in other countries. Now, the Ukrainian and Turkish sides are working on a number of joint projects in the sphere of transportation, aviation, space technologies, production of energy and military equipment.

Ukrainian-Turkish interpersonal contacts were given a significant boost in 2012 when the two countries agreed to introduce a visa free regime for their respective citizens travelling to the other country. Besides, in October 2016 the Ukrainian International Airlines opened direct flights between capitals of the two countries. Ukraine and Turkey have also been developing cooperation in the spheres of mass media and culture.

The aforementioned and many other facts prove that the Ukrainian-Turkish relations have always been characterized by the positive attitudes of the two nations to each other and by mutual help. We are certain that this traditionally constructive atmosphere of our relationship will remain constant in the years to come.’


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